“I am very sad to be leaving EYM as I have spent 11 happy years making music every Saturday morning”
Chamber music groups take children playing almost any instrument – string, woodwind, brass, guitar, harp etc. – whether they have learned it at EYM or elsewhere. In a chamber music group, each child will play their own individual part, and should therefore have developed a level of security in their playing, particularly rhythmic security, which will enable them to play their part with confidence. Children of similar ages and stages are put into groups of between 3 and 6 players of varying instruments. A child’s instrumental teacher should be able to advise when an individual child is ready to participate in chamber music. Elementary string players are encouraged to gain experience playing in EYM’s Junior String Orchestra before joining a chamber music group.
Chamber music groups are open to children in Primary 6 and above; there is no upper age limit; currently the oldest pupils are 17. Classes last between 30 and 40 minutes. The cost is £10.10 per week during the 2024/25 session. There may be places available for new members with suitable experience.
Classes are taught by Sarah Kegerreis and other staff as required.